Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Poverty remains India's main concern, Krishna tells UN

External affairs minister S M Krishna told world leaders that India continued to face enormous developmental challenges and poverty eradication remains the nation's top priority. "Nearly 200 millions live on less than one dollar a day and nearly 500 millions do not have access to modern sources of energy," he said.

"Our overriding priority, therefore, has to be eradication of poverty for which we must address our energy poverty and use all sources of energy, including fossil fuels," he added.

Krishna was speaking at a Round Table during the Climate Change summit at the United Nations. The high-level summit, which featured more than 100 world leaders, was convened to mobilise political will ahead of the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
Krishna said the outcome in Copenhagen "must also ensure that developing countries can pursue accelerated development also so that they have the resources to cope with and adapt to climate change."
The creation of mechanisms along with provision of financial resources and access to technology which will enable us to upscale our national efforts is an important expectation that we have from Copenhagen," he added.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A guru can help us get connected

he external world is only a reflection of our inner world. Our thoughts and feelings dictate the way we perceive and
Speaking Tree
A guru can help us get connected (Getty Images)
experience life.

People and the environment only respond and correspond to the kind of vibrations we generate. Trapped by emotions and mood swings, we suffer and make others suffer. Though controlling the mind may seem as impossible as harnessing the whirlwind, through the grace and guidance of a guru we can gain complete mastery over it. The guru can totally transform our inner and outer worlds and fill it with bliss, contentment and peace.

In the Guru Gita, Shiva tells Parvati: "It is the existence of the guru that lends reality to our inner world; it is the radiance of the guru which illumines 'That', the Cosmic Consciousness; it is the ananda of the guru that makes all beings blissful. Therefore, offer your salutations to the guru with utmost reverence." The guru is not a vyakti or personality. He is the shakti or energy that connects our soul to the Supreme Soul. Ever one with the Universal Consciousness, he enfolds the cosmos in his being. He is the all-encompassing power of love, the fount of compassion. The guru always propels our minds towards peace and Self-realisation and anchors us in total stability. The brilliant searchlight of his wisdom illumines the hidden recesses of the mind, revealing both the filth and wealth we have accumulated over lifetimes. His grace strengthens our power of discrimination, ignites our willpower and enables us to discard vices and nurture virtues.

To the guru each Soul is precious. Even if we forsake Him, He does not forsake us. Many people relate to us through our body, mind and intellect, but it is only the guru who is interested in our soul. Whether others value us or not, the guru accepts and cherishes us. For this we have to invoke the guru through our love and devotion. If we already have a guru, we start feeling his grace intensely and instantaneously. In the Guru Gita, Ishwara says: "Though the devoted disciple of a Guru may be a fool, all his actions like initiation, vows and penance bear fruit because of the immense Grace of his Guru."

The guru's grace offers refuge to our body, mind and soul, giving us complete protection. Selfless service turns to reverence and this helps us to identify our ego which is preventing us from attaining Self-realisation This reverence dawns with the knowledge that the guru's word is the truth. In the Guru Gita, Shiva says: "The Vedas and scriptures are scintillating jewels at the lotus feet of the guru. His wisdom is the Sun that illumines the highest truths. The word of the guru is the source of all mantras and the grace of the guru is the source of Self-realisation." When we surrender completely to the guru, He balances everything inside us and brings out the sweetness of bliss, the essence of the Soul. He liberates us and shows us how to expand our constricted world into an endless expanse of joy so that we become one with the One with love.

TCS sets up 8th centre in Latin America

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has set up a delivery centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which will provide consulting, IT and business outsourcing services, to broaden the company’s revenue model in Latin America.

TCS has been investing in Latin America - one of its major emerging markets - since 2002, and the latest investment of a couple of million dollars in this facility takes its total number of delivery centres in the region to eight. Latin America contributes 5% to TCS’s revenues of $6 billion.

The Latin American IT services market is estimated to touch $70,721 million in 2012, a compounded annual growth rate of 12.9% over $50,385 million in 2008. Currently, TCS’s Latin American outfit largely provides software services to local companies. While two-third of its customers are local, the rest are global.

It works out to be attractive to cater to its US clients from Latin America compared to servicing them from their base. Also, as TCS’s emerging markets head, Gabriel Rozman, puts it, some of the large US clients prefer to be serviced from a near-shore centre in a bid to de-risk from India, or complement their India strategy.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Surat diamond industry starts sparkling again

The Rs 50,000-crore diamond industry in Surat is on its way to recovery. The growing economies in India, Middle East,Hing Kong and China are helping the sector to regain its glitter.Roughly 500 units, 40% of the 1,250 units which shut shop in the wake of the economic crisis, are back in business giving jobs to one lakh diamond workers. If September 2008 was the beginning of the crash period for the diamond industry, September 2009 has heralded a revival.
"The reopened units are working in full capacity to meet orders from domestic as well as key markets in Middle East, Hong Kong and China," said Rohit Mehta, president, Surat Diamond Association. Most of the diamantaires in Surat and Mumbai have been preparing for the Hong Kong jewellery and gem fair, Asia's biggest and one of the top three in the world, starting from September 21. Last September, the jewellery fair attracted more than 37,000 buyers from 133 countries and regions.

‘‘We are focusing on Hong Kong and India markets. The domestic demand for diamond jewellery has grown by almost 25% compared to last year, which was Rs 20,000 crore. As per the leading industry players, the domestic market for diamonds is likely to touch Rs 30,000 crore by 2012,'' said Bharat Gosai, a leading diamantaire.

As per the data from state government's labour department, of the total 2,500 units in the city, 1,250 were closed due to the global slump leaving two lakh workers jobless.

While most of the jobless workers left for their home towns in Saurashtra, a fraction of them were absorbed in the embroidery industry.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Orkut India's top 10 communities

According to this news, Orkut community site has topped the list of social network.Google's social network is also the country's most visited site.

The social network is a hotbed of various communities, you name a subject, topic or even a like or dislike and you are very likely to find a community on it on Orkut. From `I hate to wake up early' to `procrastinator's club' to ‘The Art of Kissing’, it’s all there.

But ever wondered which are the most popular among these communities? Google recently released a list of its Orkut's top 10 communities. The company claimed that it looked at millions of communities and usage trends to finally arrive at the ten most popular communities. The trends are based on an anonymised and aggregated study of the behaviour of Indian

Saturday, September 12, 2009

WIPRO promotes ,hike salaries on selective basis

According to this news,
During this recession period, Wipro has lifted the freeze on promotion and hike salaries on selective basis . Senior HR President Saurabh Govil confirmed the development and company is going to invest in leadership talent and reconize them on selective basis. It will happen across all levels in organisation . It could stay close to 8-15% depending on the level of employees. The selective basis are pointed to confidence level, it biggest technical market. This signals towards towards semi good times, organisation are optimism.
In the last the conclusion is that during this recession time every company should be optimistic about the future. All the stability of market depends on the positive attitude or perception of persons.

Friday, September 11, 2009

God's own country to become 100% e-literate

According to this news, we all are aware about the fact that India is one of the developing country.
So this is again going to add astep towards its development. Kerela is the top most literate stae in India. Now the State Goverment has decide to provide educatio throurh internet. Kerela has about 1400 villages and 999 panchayats. This scheme carried under name Akshaya Scheme- the flagship information, communication and technology intiative to make 100% e-literate.
The other USO scheme (Universal Service Obligation)started by Kerela government to connect the unconnected areas of the state last year along with BSNL. Now the government is interested in providing broadband connections in all. only 9 villages are left because of their not feasible condition. under Akshaya scheme, one member in each household one member is computer literate which has covered 999 panchayats in the state. About 2200 centres conduct computer literacy programme in Kerela in villages providing them the e-services.